RECIPE :: grams

start with the song

press play to listen while you read

SONG :: in the moment

ARTIST :: jim james

MOOD :: be cool

next, mix together weed and endorphins

granddaddy purple

recreational effects

data compiled by Leafly

old school indica. super comfy with thoughts as deep as your beckoning ass couch. if you’re pairing this with exercise, smoke & go.

let everything simmer until epiphanies develop

social media itself isn't bad. its popularity comes from a need we all have to be seen… for who we are (or who we think we are). i’m personally grateful to have a space where i can leave a record of my time here on this earth.

we’re cooperative creatures. it’s in our nature to feel more secure when we’re making connections. but when getting the need for visibility fulfilled on a superficial level becomes addictive, we can sacrifice a lot of authentic living in the pursuit of getting that outside affirmation fix. and what happens when we play too rough with our toys? they don’t work anymore.

the good news is the evolution of its use from a toy to a tool is already happening, thank god. we use it as a toy when the purpose is telegraphing our brand to the outside world. we use it as a tool when the purpose is connecting through thought in a way that the world no longer feels outside. i don’t know about y’all, but i’m trying to find my fellow thought tribesmen.

global community shit. can we hurry up though?